What is Acuneedling?

Needling techniques have been used in pregnancy for thousands of years. Connecting the mind and the body by allowing the energy of Qi to flow throughout the body.

Acuneedling is needling by a Registered Midwife and Acuneedling Practitioner™ . Acuneedling works on the meridians of the body to balance and harmonise 'Qi'.   Working within our scope of practice, midwives trained in acuneedling can assist with conditions of pregnancy, labour, birth and the early postpartum.

Acuneedling treats both the emotional and physical changes through pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

What does it involve?

Acuneedling treatments are indivisualised and can include the combination of acuneedling, moxibustion, cupping, relaxation... and a chat with a midwife!

How can it help?

  • Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a time of great change and growth for women’s bodies. This can result in many bodily discomforts and unwelcomed aches and pains. Acuneedling during pregnancy may help with a range of symptoms including:

    Nausea & vomiting
    Breech presentation >34 weeks
    Vulval varices
    Varicose veins
    Restless legs
    Back, hip, symphysis pubis pain and sciatica
    Itching without a rash
    Pregnancy induced hypertension
    Fetal growth and blood flow to the placenta

  • Labour & Birth

    Labour and Birth preparation treatments are designed to harmonize both your body and mind in anticipation of your birthing day! Acuneedling for labour and birth can help relax pelvic ligaments and soft tissue of the pelvis to encourage optimal positioning of your baby, increase maternal energy levels and stamina and encourage a peaceful and calm state of mind.

    In some cases, it can also help to activate labour (only past 40 weeks).

  • Postpartum

    Acuneedling in the postpartum period assists to restore balance, provide relaxation and grounding, and to honour your post partum body.

    Acuneedling can be used to provide traditional ‘mother warming’ (within the first 5-10 days postbirth). This treatment uses needles and moxibustion, which is a herb that can be used to warm and stimulate acupuncture points.

    It may also be supportive for common breastfeeding issues such as blocked ducts and early onset mastitis in combination you’re your medical team and Lactation Consultant. Babies and partners/support people are always welcome.